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Chinese translation for "smoke waggon"


Related Translations:
waggon:  n.1.(二马以上的四轮)运货马车。2.〔英国〕(铁路的)无盖货车。3.手推车。4.【采】矿车。5.〔美国〕面包车〔小型多座汽车〕。6.巡逻警车。7.〔美俚〕婴孩车。8.〔the waggon〕 囚车。9.〔the W-〕 【天文学】北斗七星。10.〔美俚〕左轮(手枪)。短语和例子hitch one's waggon to a star 妄想登天;追求力所不及的东西。 on
powder waggon:  〔美国〕把枪身切短的猎枪。
rag waggon:  〔蔑称〕帆船。
battle waggon:  〔俚语〕战舰。
waggon drift:  工资浮动。
waggon headed:  adj.(建筑)拱形的。
waggon train:  车队;护送车队;辎重车队;【美史】向西部移民车队。
waggon stop:  〔英国〕工资限额法〔规定失业津贴不得多于工作时的工资〕。
water waggon:  洒水车,运水车 (on the water waggon 戒酒)。
paddy waggon:  〔美俚〕巡逻车;囚车。
Example Sentences:
1.Flashing weapons , blazing torches , smoking waggon - loads of wet straw , hard work at neighbouring barricades in all directions , shrieks , volleys , execrations , bravery without stint , boom , smash and rattle , and the furious sounding of the living sea ; but , still the deep ditch , and the single drawbridge , and the massive stone walls , and the eight great towers , and still defarge of the wine - shop at his gun , grown
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